Header Image Kath in the morning sun gazing into the world with a smile surrounded by nature drawings and photos she collected on her journey. Collage on warm Yellow background.

Open up to the stories within you

Listen to yourself and find beauty in your innate wisdom

Let’s enter a space together that has room for your inner world. A space where your story is truly heard and valued.

Explore your inner world: Every story begins with a voice within.

The stories we tell ourselves hold the key to embodying our truest and most beautiful selves.
They shape our perceptions, define our environment, and guide our actions.

Every service you wish to offer, every message you want to share with the world, begins in the inner realms of your being. This is where your deepest wisdom lives, where the stories you tell yourself shape your reality and, ultimately, your work.

In this 1.5-hour interview, I create a nurturing space for you to reflect on these stories.

It is my heartfelt pleasure and honor to invite you to explore the narratives that have brought you to where you are today.

This is not a journey to a new place, but an exploration of the rich, complex inner world that exists only within you.

I am not here to fix, heal, or change you.

I intend to listen and understand.

I am here to honour the beautiful genius that you are.

Kath out and about in nature leaning on a beech tree in Brandenburg Germany

It’s not about glossing over the challenges of your life or pretending that everything is perfect. It’s about accepting you for who you are with warmth and honesty in a way that respects your life’s journey.

In this intimate room with me, I offer you a safe listening space, so that you can dive into your values, beliefs, desires, and highest vision.

Our exploration is one small step in authentically marketing your offerings. It’s about grounding yourself in your true purpose, embracing and allowing the beauty of your whole self so that your endeavours flow naturally from that ground.

When we operate from this inner clarity, we can shift from a mindset of scarcity to a mindset of abundance, as we recognize that we are all geniuses with a universe of creativity within us.

After our time together, you will receive a recording and transcript of our conversation – a reflection of your inner story that can continue to guide you as you share your unique gifts with the world.

Who is this interview for?

My invitation is for anyone and everyone committed to serving the flourishing of all life on Earth in response to the ecological crisis and cascading polycrisis we collectively face.

This space is for you if you are navigating life with an understanding of the urgent need to change our human-made systems, and if you feel called to explore the stories that are guiding your life path towards this responsibility.

I wish to listen to stories from practitioners in the regenerative movement: regenerative farmers, bioregional stewards, change and space makers, edge walkers, climate activists, permaculturists, programmers, healers, artists, facilitators, storytellers, shamans, and truly anyone yearning to bring forth their unique gifts for regenerating earth.

tiny red dragonfly on tree stumb in water

Please follow my invitation if you are:

  • Painfully aware that the planet is collapsing, and you are committed to creating a livable future for generations to come.
  • In a transition in your life, feeling constrained by societal norms and the dominating systems.
  • Seeking a deeper connection with yourself and your life’s journey.
  • Looking to align more closely with your values.
  • Envisioning new human-made systems that serve the well-being of All Life.
  • Recognizing that systems change requires a shift in consciousness, starting with the stories we tell ourselves.

What awaits you in our exploration?

Our time together is all about you! Your story, your voice, and your life journey. What you can expect from the interview:

A safe, intimate space: We’ll meet in a private 1:1 session where you can feel comfortable and have the space to fully express yourself.

A gentle exploration: I will guide you through carefully crafted questions that invite you to explore the inner dimensions of your current life, your values, beliefs, desires, and your highest vision. It is not about finding any right answers but about uncovering the honest heart voice that wants to emerge from within you.

My role: I am here to listen deeply and hold space for you. I am not here to diagnose, give advice, or offer therapy. No, I can’t do that. Instead, I offer you a non-judgemental atmosphere in which your story can unfold with flowing ease.

A recording to remember: After our conversation, you will receive a recording and a transcript of our interview. This is your story, captured in your own words. It can serve as a signpost for your next steps.

This process is designed to help you connect with your inner narrative – the one that shapes how you show up in the world. It is a starting point to offer your talents authentically and with clarity, grounded in the wonderful human that you are.

Listen to the stories of your inner ecology and find ease and beauty within

This interview isn’t about rewriting your story; it’s about giving voice to all that lives within you. In our session, we won’t invent anything new! Instead, we’ll explore the narratives that have shaped your life, speaking them out loud in a space where they can be truly heard, free from any judgment, and honored for all that they are: The stories that tell your life.

There is a unique strength and power, perhaps even magic, in sharing your inner dimensions through stories with another person.

The questions I will guide you through are chosen to make it easier for you to find the voice in your heart and speak from that place. The flow of questions will help you swim through your intellectual mind to tap into the many other waters of your knowing: the all-encompassing, innate wisdom and genius that is within you.

Handwritten wisdom from Kath saying Gravity teaches me to be more like stones. Always be grounded in Love.

Key Benefits

Authentic expression: There is a profound difference between knowing your inner purpose and expressing that purpose in life. With this session I offer an intimate space to voice some of the inner wisdom that guides your life, making these voices more real and tangible, simply through telling your story.

Clarity and insight: By telling your story out loud, you gain a clearer understanding of how your life aligns with your core values and the greater whole you wish to serve. Clarity is not forced. Rather, it arrives by invitation and through the act of speaking and being with-nessed and listened to from the heart.

Empowerment through reflection: As you share your story, you’ll connect with the power of your voices, the depth of your purpose, and life’s path. This isn’t about creating something new, but about recognizing and embracing what’s already within you, empowering you to follow your heart more fully.

Deepening connection to purpose: By articulating your why and your vision, and having it honoured, you nurture your relationship with your life purpose, which in turn influences the way you share your talents with the world.

As much as it is about living authentically and with intention, it is also about growing into your role as a heart-centered steward for a world that works for all life. 

Through the power of your voice, my deep listening, and our relational connection, you can find a beautiful harmony with yourself that builds the capacity you might need to share your gifts with the world.

A few words about me

I am Kath, a lifelong and ecstatic learner.
I am a passionate steward who is utterly in love with Mother Earth. I am here to remind us that we are all nature, and I do this by bringing a new life- and love-giving language back to life through the ancient art of storytelling.

My journey has taken me from a successful international marketing career to dedicating my life and gifts to learning and embodying conscious practices that honor my sacred bond with the Universe and my unique place in the marvelous web of life.

In my work in the regenerative movement, I am learning and teaching how to tell the stories of the multidimensional experiences of our being and doing.
I am particularly interested in how self-determined individuals can work together in groups without formal hierarchies and how to expand individual and collective consciousness towards trust and flow to support grounding our togetherness in value-based perceptions and perspectives.

Kath in awe of her sister the Breakfast Oak in Nature Park Märkische Schweiz - photo taken by Niels Devisscher in Spring 2023
photo credit 🤎 Niels Devisscher

At the heart of my learning out loud are three syntropic adventures

Communicating in clean and radical tenderness: Only when we are honest with ourselves can we break free from an extractive mindset rooted in scarcity and embrace a sense of prosperity that enables deep trust in togetherness. Commoning, need-based principles, and sharing resources and risks, for example, require conscious individuals in a group.

Balancing feminine and masculine energies: By balancing these energies from a place of inner wholeness, we strengthen the harmony we need to live in alignment with the principles of the Universe. I need a lot of spacious stillness with myself to listen to my inner ecology. By attuning to my Lunar Cycle and honouring my moontime, I learn to understand and trust the flow of my intrinsic energetic cycle.

Please read the syntropic story below to learn about my cycle awareness.

Accounting for multiple capitals: For me, recognising and valuing many forms of capital beyond the financial is essential for being the responsible stewards future generations need us to be. The attention, consciousness, and care developed while tending multiple capitals can only find their source in gratitude. It takes a lot of practice to adopt the language skills I need to express when recognising all forms of capital. So how do I talk about it when I encounter flows of spiritual, living, material, social, cultural, intellectual, experiential, and also financial values, inwards and outwards, up and down? I learn through experience! So, I want to experiment as much as possible with multicapitalism practices because I believe that learning in togetherness brings this new life- and love-giving language back into life.

My work is about listening deeply, bringing syntropic stories to life, and building the much-needed capacities to trust life. I believe this to be essential for us to understand that we are nature and reconnect to living in harmonious communion with Mother Earth and the Universe. There are old and new ways of being and doing, waiting to be explored and (re)-built: Old and new ways that support the thriving of all life.

My love for life and these adventures let me fall asleep with deep gratitude and wake up every morning with joyous anticipation for the day to come.

Here is a collection of syntropic stories
I brought to life these past moons.

Snippets of Love

Kath’s presence is like a gentle light illuminating parts of my inner ecology that I couldn’t fully see before. Her sensitive and kinship way of being always invites me to explore deeper sources of truth.

Her storytelling is much more than a skill. It is an art form that brings to light the depth of our shared experiences and makes them beautiful and accessible.

She embodies her values so beautifully that I often feel inspired to inquire into my conventions and behavioural patterns to broaden my perspectives a little bit more.

Being with Kath feels like an acknowledgement of who I am. She brings a deep, spiritual intelligence to conversations and expresses complex ideas with such clarity from the heart that it feels like pure life energy.

Kath and I have been travelling together for some years now. She has an extraordinary ability to walk alongside you, sharing her journey with authenticity and deep reciprocity. Her presence brings a spaciousness where our hearts open, allowing for profound mutual learning and growth. I am grateful for our journey.

Ready to Explore your Inner Stories?

Limited spaces available each month to ensure a deeply personalized experience.
Step into a space where your inner voice is honored, your purpose clarified, and your journey supported.

Hold on! Why isn't there a price?

All my services are rooted in a place of generosity and giving. As a student of Buckminster Fuller, I trust that the universe will allow me to sustain my life for as long as I am genuinely in service to the well-being of All Life.

I also feel beautifully challenged by the depth of what I am learning about the Maternal Gift Economy with the Nonviolent Global Liberation Community around Miki Kashtan. One of the invitations I try to learn in my conscious practices is to decouple giving from receiving. It is an attempt to break out of the transactional mindset prevalent in Modernity and to allow space for multidimensional gratitude for the connection in our shared experience and relational capacity to restore trust in the flow of life.

I also believe in experiential learning. So, instead of setting a fixed price upfront, I invite you to experience the interview first and then express the value you received in a – for you – right, true, and beautiful way.

After our session, you can opt-in to evaluate your experience through 8 different forms of capital, one of which is financial. Participants valued the interview with $33 – $77 in money. However, I encourage you to consider what feels best for you.

Whether through sharing material resources, offering your skills and expertise, or some other form of wealth, I receive your contribution as a gratitude token for the values you have experienced. I use a multi-capital framework, the 8 Value FLOWer, to help evaluate your experience.

The 8 Value FLOWer is a creative, collaborative contribution to the common wealth from the Trinity Partnership of ReGenerOsa, Local Food Forest, and Vivero.

The 8 Value Flower is graphic depiction of a multicapital framework based on the pioneering work of Appleseed Permaculture. Using rainbow colours the inner flower petal name the 8 values, the middle ones give a description and the other petals an invitation for speaking them into existence. The visualisation is interpreted by Spencer Vantress.

The historical premise for this 8 value flow model is based on the pioneering work of Appleseed Permaculture’s 8 Forms of Capital.

The active exploration and adaptation of this framework has emerged through experimentation in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica through ReGenerOsa Collective and in Vivero.

The main sensemaking sandbox for this has been the Earth Regenerators Network.

The addition of embodiment principles was made by Local Food Forrest Collective (LFF). The partners are committed to ongoing exploration, implementation and refinement of this model.

The graphic depiction is interpreted by Spencer Vantress.

Why am I doing this?

To honour the experience

I believe the multiple values of our time together can only emerge after the session.

By allowing you to experience the interview first, I honour the uniqueness of your exploration and invite you to reflect on what feels most meaningful to you.

To decouple giving from receiving

Inspired by Miki Kashtan, this approach is all about experimenting. I want to learn how we can move beyond traditional transactions and embrace more free-flowing ways of giving and receiving in togetherness.

Free from expectations, I invite you to share a value reflection with me financially and through other forms of wealth.

To trust in abundance of the universe

Inspired by the wisdom of Buckminster Fuller, all my offerings find their roots in trusting that an abundant flow of values runs naturally through us when we follow our hearts for the well-being of all. (my words, not his ones.)

To hear our heart’s voice with gentleness, we must align our inner stories into harmony with our being.

Step into your vast inner Story World

Join me in this intimate space where your inner stories are being heard.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am not comfortable sharing certain parts of my story?

This space is for you, and you have complete freedom of choice about what you share. I am here as a patient listener, holding no judgment. You can share as much or as little as it feels right, true, and beautiful. It is all about your story and how you wish to tell your story.

It is not necessary to prepare anything in advance. There is only one thing I kindly ask you to do: Please create a private, comfortable space where you can speak openly and undisturbed. I will ask you questions designed to guide you gently into reflection and self-discovery.

Absolutely! This offer is perfect for anyone new to storytelling and working with themselves. The questions are crafted with care to ease you into the process and help you connect with your heart and the wisdom within you.

The recording and transcript are my gifts and belong to you alone. They will not be published by me or shared with others. I use a secure recording programme called Grain and a Google Doc to capture the transcript in my private workspace. Your privacy and the privacy of your story is my priority.

It is important to note that this space is not for you if you seek polished external messages to sell or fundraise. This offering is for those with a heartfelt commitment to regenerating the earth and our relationships with all life.

Yes, we do explore storytelling. For me, storytelling begins with listening and respecting our inner voice; why my intention with this interview is to ease you into attuning to your inner wisdom, not crafting shiny marketing material in the first place.

My offering is a space for deep listening and authentic expression, where the stories that emerge come from within, not from the need to fit a specific external narrative.

If you are unsure, we can chat! Let us see together if this offer meets your needs and intentions. There is no pressure to commit, and I am happy to answer any additional questions you might have.

Emotions are a natural part of the process. All I can say is you are in a caring space to express whatever comes up. I am here to listen without judgment, and there is no need to hold back if you feel emotional. Your experience is honoured in its entirety.

Of course! If you wish to explore your inner ecology further or if new insights emerge after our initial session, we can certainly arrange another interview.

The interview is not therapy or coaching.  No, I have no qualifications for either modality; neither is it my vocation. My role is to provide an intimate, non-judgmental space where you can explore your inner world through storytelling. I do not offer advice, diagnoses, or therapeutic interventions. Instead, I listen deeply and help you connect with your inner voices and innate wisdom.

Firstly, I celebrate your conscious evolution! In my experience, life is a never-ending, ever-evolving story, and it is inherent for your awareness and perceptions to shift over time. The recording and transcript can serve as a reflection point for where you were at that moment, offering storylines as you continue to grow. Just like the map is not the territory, your stories are not you.

Kath and her birch tree friend on a wonderful clear winter's day

New Moon Tree Wisdom

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Throughout 2025 I will go on little adventures visiting tree friends of mine and listen to their wisdom to tell a syntropic story with the ambition to guide us-all with rooted inspiration.